Buckeye Bus 2018: Northern Ohio
On July 10 and 11, the Office of Student Life’s Buckeye Bus joined the Roads Scholars Tour in Northern Ohio. The trip was an opportunity for students to engage with faculty, staff and alumni and to gain an appreciation of how Ohio State impacts communities around Ohio!
First Stop: The Ohio State University Airport
Did you know that Ohio State’s airport is the third busiest in Ohio? At the airport, we heard from Provost Bruce McPheron and Associate Vice Provost Stephen Myers before learning all about how MedFlight helps over 4,000 patients every year.
Next Stop: Glen-Gery Brick
Some 13,000 bricks went into the building of the Ohio Union, and they were manufactured right here in Ohio! We were lucky to have a tour of Glen-Gery’s Iberia, Ohio plant — it’s always a privilege to discover how businesses across Ohio are connected to our university.
Stop Three: Buurma Farms
At Buurma Farms in Willard, Ohio, we were treated to an extraordinary tour that showed us how produce gets from the farm to the market. Provost McPheron is right — we gained a whole new perspective on this portion of the trip:
Wrapping Up Day One at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
Cleveland’s Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum is always a great time, but it’s even better when you get to see an extraordinary Buckeye up on stage sharing her Ohio State experience with fellow students, faculty, staff, alumni and friends!
Needless to say, day one of our Northeast Ohio Buckeye Bus trip ended on a very good note!
Kicking Off Day Two with Service
Our first stop on Wednesday, July 11 was the Greater Cleveland Food Bank, where we paid it forward by packing hundreds of boxes to help our neighbors fight food insecurity, an issue facing thousands of Ohioans today. We consider it a great honor to have had the opportunity to help an extraordinary organization make a difference!
Next Stop: Gorman-Rupp Pumps
Another day, another amazing tour of an Ohio manufacturing plant! Gorman-Rupp manufactures industry-leading pumps and pumping systems right here in Mansfield, Ohio. In addition to touring the plant, we had the opportunity to meet the company’s leadership.
Final Stop: Flying Horse Farms
We had the joy of wrapping up our Buckeye Bus adventures at Flying Horse Farms, where children and families are able to have transformative summer camp experiences despite serious illnesses. This extraordinary Mt. Gilead camp makes it possible for every kid to enjoy being a kid!
Thanks for joining us on another Buckeye Bus trip! Be sure to stay tuned for more adventures through our wonderful home state…