Spotlight On: Service PLUS
Are you dedicated to serving your Columbus community? You can be recognized for your impact by signing up for Service PLUS! This program gives students the opportunity to serve while learning leadership skills for the future. Freshman Vivian Corey sat down with us to talk about how being involved in service opportunities and participating in Service PLUS has shaped her college experience thus far.
What are you studying?
I am a freshman dance major. I have been dancing since I was three years old and I decided I wanted to keep it up coming into Ohio State. I am also planning to dual-degree with exercise science.
How are you involved on campus?
When I came to Ohio State, one of my first goals was to get involved. I joined a lot of dance clubs, such as BuckeyeThon Tap and Momentum Contemporary Ballet. For service, I am a BuckeyeThon co-captain for Wishmakers, and I also serve as secretary of Lincoln Tower Activities Board.
How did you get involved in Service PLUS?
I went on a Pay It Forward trip to clean up the Scioto River very early my freshman year. After the event, I was a part of their email list and got to see new events they’d host and got more involved through that. It ultimately lead to me learning about Service PLUS and signing up.
How would you describe Service PLUS to other students?
The way I see it is as a way to build leadership skills through both workshops and firsthand practice. For the curriculum, you attend three workshops lead by student organizations and groups on campus to build leadership skills, then site lead to major events on campus. For my site lead event, I lead a group of students for MLK Day of Service. There are two other site-lead events every year, Spring Into Service and Community Commitment Day.
How has being in Service PLUS benefitted you overall?
It has helped me branch out more on campus. As a site leader, you interact with a demographic you may never encounter. It’s interesting to build relationships that way, and to learn from people you may never have had the opportunity to otherwise. It also helped build leadership skills I didn’t realize I was lacking. From a leadership perspective, Service PLUS has opened my eyes to the type of leader I could be.
Is there any advice you’d like to give incoming students?
Definitely read your email to find out about new opportunities — so many freshmen miss opportunities because they forget to check! Also, even if you don’t know people in the programs you’re interested in, go for it! You will form new relationships and find your niche through common interests and a passion for what you choose to get involved.
Interested in enrolling in Service PLUS? Visit the Student Activities website for more information.